Upcycled Ingredients
Some or all of the parts or ingredients of this product were converted from materials that would have otherwise been discarded. The existing materials or ingredients are reworked into new products. The value of the raw material is elevated through this process.
Sustainable Development Goals

Proof Point Level
Product BusinessGeneric Criteria
The materials must not undergo an industrial process that changes their structure before they are reused into a new product
Fashion Criteria
At least 50% of this product is made from deadstock or up-cycled waste material
Beauty Criteria
At least one of the active ingredients, or one of the main ingredients as calculated by weight, is made of material that would have otherwise gone to waste
Food Criteria
At least 50% of the ingredients are from materials that would have otherwise gone to waste
Publication Requirements
- Disclose which parts are upcycled and from what object
Accepted Evidence
Evidence should strongly support the claim and will be made publicly available
- Proof of purchase/donation of materials that would have otherwise gone to waste
Accepted Verifiers
Verifiers are third parties who can confirm the validity of a given Proof Point
- Organisation supplying waste