The Framework About

Black-Led Business

The company is majority-owned by people who identify as black or the company has a majority of people who identify as black in senior leadership positions.

Sustainable Development Goals
Reduced inequalities
Proof Point Level
Product Business


  • People who identify as black own more than a 50% stake in the company; or
  • 20% or more of the company is owned by a person/people who identify as black AND at least 50% of the senior management team and/or board of directors identify as black

Publication Requirements

  • Name(s) of the owner(s) and senior leadership team where applicable

Accepted Evidence

Evidence should strongly support the claim and will be made publicly available

Please provide evidence of business ownership and/or composition of senior leadership team for this Proof Point

  • Incorporation documents

  • National company registrar link (e.g. Companies House in the UK)

  • Shareholders' agreement

  • Signed statement of transparency with a breakdown of the senior leadership team

Accepted Verifiers

Verifiers are third parties who can confirm the validity of a given Proof Point

  • Lawyer/legal office

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