Protecting Water Quality
This business has implemented one or more practices to reduce the pollution discharge in water that might have resulted from the production and/or manufacturing of this product.
Sustainable Development Goals

Proof Point Level
Product BusinessCriteria
- Practices must be specific and implemented at scale – pilots are not accepted
- The business must have implemented alternative less polluting practices, tackling known pollution hotspots in the supply chain (businesses can use their own LCA to prove this or market data from a standard LCA tol)
- Practices must target material impact, additionally if some operations are in water-stressed areas, practices must seek to reduce impact there
- Practices must be in place at the time the claim is issued
Publication Requirements
- Outline the practices and what pollution hotspot they are targeting
- Specify if the business is operating in water-stressed areas
Accepted Evidence
Evidence should strongly support the claim and will be made publicly available
- Discharge reports and measurements
- Proof of specific practices
Accepted Verifiers
Verifiers are third parties who can confirm the validity of a given Proof Point
- External organisation that has measured the total pollution levels