The Framework About

Carbon Measured

This business has measured the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by its operations and supply chain, or its product. Greenhouse gases from human activities are the most significant driver of climate change.

Sustainable Development Goals
Climate action
Proof Point Level
Product Business

Product Description

This business has measured the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by this product and its supply chain.

Business Description

This business has measured the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by its operations and supply chain.

Product Criteria

  • The business must have performed a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
  • The measurement should include all three scopes (only scope 3 downstream emissions may be excluded)

Business Criteria

  • Business level emissions across scopes 1 & 2, as well as scope 3 upstream emissions must be measured
  • The methodology should follow an internationally recognised standard such as PAS2050, GHG Protocol Product Standard or ISO14067

Publication Requirements

  • Indicate what is included in the calculation (e.g. scopes) and the respective footprint of each stage of the supply chain
  • Specify the date of measurement and time period covered

Accepted Evidence

Evidence should strongly support the claim and will be made publicly available

  • Calculation details (stating methodology used and whether they are using market or location based reporting)
  • Report from accredited organisation or tool

Accepted Verifiers

Verifiers are third parties who can confirm the validity of a given Proof Point

  • Carbon measurement platform
  • Carbon or sustainability consultancy

Additional Resources

Greenhouse Gas Protocol

What is the difference between Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, and what are companies doing to cut all three?

Other Proof Points in this category

The business has… calculated its carbon footprint implemented initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint purchased credits to compensate all or part of its emissions achieved a reduction in absolute carbon emissions
Reducing Carbon Emissions No Yes No No
Carbon Measured Yes No No No
Carbon Offsetting Yes No Yes No
Reduced Carbon Footprint Yes Yes No Yes
Net Zero Yes Yes Yes - maximum 10% of total footprint Yes

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